01 Snacktoschool Web
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Yo Quiero! prides themselves on making dips from only the finest ingredients, never sacrificing flavor and always focusing on what matters most: providing families with better-for-you snacks to enjoy together, a task we take very seriously – especially during the school year.

That’s why our mission this August was to create a top-secret social media campaign equipping parents with the tools they need to become super spies, sneaking nutritious veggies into their kids’ meals undetected.

Cue the spy theme and gear up for our Snack to School: Destination Lunchbox social campaign.

Impossible Mission

Sure, we may not be Tom Cruise doing our own stunts…

But our arsenal of snack-time tips and stealthy, healthy recipes could make an entire screaming kindergarten class sit down for a nutritious, veggie-filled snack AND have them asking for seconds.

02 Intro Post


We dared parents to join us on our “Mission Completely Possible” to help kids eat healthier and enjoy it, by sharing our sneaky snack recipes in digital content for an entire month that featured real kids.

Our kids, in fact.

03 Sneaky Snacks Carousel 1

Snacktivity Creations

Instead of telling parents that our top-secret spy tips and deceptively healthy treats could get their kids to voluntarily eat healthier, we proved it with our own.

We gathered the willing kids of our ad agency team and let them go wild in a fun SNACTIVITY that was actually an expertly disguised lesson in the importance of a balanced meal.

And as you can see, the kids LOVED it, their parents loved it, and, most importantly, the kids never suspected the nutritional value of their snacky creations.

Lunchbox Challenge

But now that we’d defeated the snack-time junk food binge, there was still one more formidable foe to defeat: THE LUNCHBOX.

Tools of the Trade

On this mission, we sent in our very own real-life mother/daughter team to demonstrate how to expertly pack a healthy lunchbox while dodging sugary treats and salty temptations.

And one large stuffed animal chicken that made an unplanned guest appearance. (Please note that no stuffed animal chickens were harmed in the making of this video)

06 Lunchbox Flat Lay

Mom Saves the Day

With that, our Mission Completely Possible was actually COMPLETE!

Our audience was well-equipped with ingenious tactics to infiltrate their lunchboxes and afterschool snacks with nutrients, and their kids were happily full of veggies!

And Yo Quiero! saved the day with better-for-you dips once again.

Campaign Response

During this promotion, we saw a total of 223,237 impressions, 119 new net followers, and 1,782 link clicks across participating platforms!

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119 Followers Gained
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