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After a survey revealed a high percentage of students have a heavy influence on which school they attend, our charter school client Uplift Education, wanted to find a way to focus on the student point of view and reach the students where they’re at.


That’s where TBS comes in.


Instead of using stuffy video interviews for paid social ads and boring school-created content for organic posts (yawn!), we hatched a plan to actually consult the students on what content we should use.


For paid social, we used Uplift’s archive of videos to showcase “real” students participating in activities at Uplift and the dynamic student adventure at Uplift.

Senior Decision Day Ad

Uplift’s claim to fame is Senior Decision Day, where students get to present their post-graduation plans in front of their classmates, friends, and families in a huge celebration send-off.

We utilized TikTok’s quick scrolling feed to our advantage, creating fun, trendy video clips for our ads that blended right into the upbeat videos on the platform and caught the students’ eyes, leading them to the Uplift social profiles.

Here’s What’s Fun Ad

On those profiles, we had three brightly colored videos waiting to give them more information on how to get started.

Pinned Posts Videos

Moving along the customer journey, each one of these meets the consumer where they’re at, whether that’s just learning about the brand or ready to apply to the school.

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Tiktok Discover 1080X1920
Tiktok Start 1080X1920
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A Teaching Moment

And on organic social, we got even crazier.

Since Uplift didn’t have a big presence on TikTok, we knew we’d need to get creative to intrigue the students once they arrived on the profiles. So, we enlisted students to help us create the content.

The TBS Team visited Uplift art and video classes to teach the kids about digital marketing and guide them in class projects to create social content for the school.

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The Prompt was Simple:

Show us what life is like at Uplift from your point of view. And the finished products were adorable and very creative!

Not only did the stuffy school profiles get a trendy, fun facelift, but the campaign was a hit!

The campaign was wildly successful with over 3 million impressions, 58,000 clicks and almost 500,000 engagements in just the first month. ​


Both TikTok and Instagram saw amazing audience growth, with Instagram gaining 160 new followers and TikTok gaining 166 new followers. Across both platforms, there were a total of 236 link clicks at the link in bio with a 43% click through rate. ​
